日期:2014-05-16  浏览次数:20734 次

C/C++ code


int main()
    int msgid,ret;
    struct msqid_ds buf;
    msgid = msgget(111,0666 | IPC_CREAT);
    if(msgid >= 0)
    printf("Created a message queue.\n");
    ret = msgctl(msgid,IPC_STAT,&buf);
    if(ret == 0)
        printf("Mode is %o.\n",buf.msg_perm.mode);
    buf.msg_perm.mode = 0000;
    ret = msgctl(msgid,IPC_SET,&buf);
    if(ret == 0)
        printf("After changed mode is %o.\n",buf.msg_perm.mode);
    ret = msgctl(msgid,IPC_RMID,NULL);
    if(ret == 0)
        printf("Removed a message queue.\n");
    return 0;

Immediately remove the message queue and its associated data structure, awakening all waiting reader and writer
processes (with an error return and errno set to EIDRM). The calling process must have appropriate (probably,
root) privileges or its effective user-ID must be either that of the creator or owner of the message queue.

manpage里写的很清楚。 你创建的那么creator和owner都是你,当前进程有效用户ID也是你,那么就可以删除,与Perm无关,