日期:2014-05-16  浏览次数:20586 次

Linux Login相关知识整理
Linux Login相关知识整理

1.本文把Login分为terminal login、network login和X环境下的login三种

2.terminal login指来自terminals (via serial lines)或console (when not running X)的login,其流程可以描述为:

3.Network logins work a little differently than normal logins:

  • 由于Network logins数量可能很多,不可能为每个login运行一个getty
  • instead of a herd of gettys, a single daemon per way of logging in (telnet and ssh have separate daemons) that listens for all incoming login attempts. When it notices one, it starts a new instance of itself to handle that single attempt; the original instance continues to listen for other attempts. The new instance works similarly to getty.

In the X Window System, xdm(X display manager) runs as a program that allows the starting of a session on an X server from the same or another computer.